Sunday 15 March 2015


Lovely sunny spring day this morning so I decided to widen the wee path from the main path up the garden This will allow my husband to use his disabled walker to get to the table and chairs in the middle of the garden. The sun is not quite high enough in the sky yet to use the seating near the back door. 

I managed to tidy the herb garden and the two rose beds seen in the photo. By this time it was cloudy and getting cold so tidied up and went in to have a hot bath.  Really pleased with the work I got done today. 

The crocus and daffodils are finally coming out in the front garden and the pots at the back. Hopefully spring is here at last!!!!

The leeks I planted last week have sprouted. I am using a warm spare bedroom window sill to bring them on. Should have enough transplants eventually to share with my daughter for her allotment. Going to get some shallots and plant them in little pots to root this week.. 

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