Wednesday 22 July 2009

From the allotment

126 onions (bought 50 got 50 free)

Strawberries for jam

Went to the allotment yesterday morning to cut the grass on the path and gather up potato shaws and weeds pulled last week. It was a pleasant morning and I made good progress although it was a bit soul destroying knowing all the work I was doing would not be for my benefit. After 2 hours I was exhausted, so decided to stop. I was taking 5 bags of garden rubbish to the car when the heavens opened. I got soaked, then had to take bags to the recycling centre. Soaked again. I was tired, feeling a bit down and sorry for myself by now. I was looking forward to getting home and having a bath. No such luck. I had told our cairn terrier that I would take her a walk when I got back. She was waiting for me at the door!! So I put her lead on and took her up the park. We were both drookit when we got back but I felt a lot better. I had a bath and put in Aran Arromatics "After the Rain" bubble bath. I lay back and read my book for a wee while. BLISS!!!!

Saturday 4 July 2009

600 roses and strawberries coming out our ears

What a glorious week it's been. I can't remember it being so hot for so long. In between gardening I have been sitting out enjoying the sun. The only disapointment has been we have decided to give up our allotment as I was having to do it myself, as J is not fit enough now. We have had it for nearly 5 years and gradually changed it to organic growing. I have really enjoyed it, but last winter barrowing 'dung' from the large piles to the allotment was hard. The strawberries have been exeptional this season and so far have picked over 14 pounds. Some of them are in the freezer destined for my daughter who will make jam and hopefully give me a jar back. I used to make a lot of jam but as it's only J and me now, I ended up giving most of it away. I managed to plant potatoes and onions and they are doing well , but have planted everything else in my own garden.

The garden is like a potager garden this season with leeks among the poppies, courgettes in the herb border, brussel sprouts beside theester reid daisies and a tomato plant beside the enormous rambling rose that started from a cutting from my mother's garden. I don't know its name but it comes in one flush of pale pink colour. This year we have over 600 blooms on it!